As COVID-19 spreads through Bangladesh, these are the five key challenges to overcome.
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As COVID-19 spreads through Bangladesh, these are the five key challenges to overcome.
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By Lili-Marie Wangari, Emergency Preparedness Coordinator for MSF in Kenya. Wangari is working on the organization’s response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Overshadowed by outbreaks of Ebola last year and by COVID-19 today, the measles epidemic in DRC continues to kill children every day.
Read More… from DRC: COVID-19 must not jeopardize the fight against deadly diseases
While being close to a post-Ebola epidemic period, DRC begins to see signs of the global COVID-19 pandemic.
A full lockdown has been in place in the West Bank for more than three weeks, with over 300 cases of COVID-19 confirmed in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Teams are working in São Paulo and Roraima, focusing on people experiencing homelessness and migrants.
Read More… from COVID-19: providing care to vulnerable people in Brazil
As the first reported death from COVID-19 is confirmed in north-east Syria, MSF is concerned about the region’s preparedness and capacity to respond to an outbreak.
Read More… from Northeast Syria: First confirmed COVID-19 case increases concerns for preparedness
Greater focus on under-resourced communities in the United States is urgently needed to ensure that all people can protect themselves and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Read More… from COVID-19 in New York: Vulnerable communities need urgent protection
By Sabrina Rubli, a Health Promotion Activity Manager. She is a Canadian working with Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) based in Goma, Democratic of Congo (DRC). “Corona is just another way for the government to kill us, since ebola didn’t work.” “This is just another way for NGOs and the government to make money.” “We can’t wash […]
Read More… from DRC: Health promotion during the COVID-19 pandemic
European governments must stop using the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to enforce deadly migration control policies and must immediately lift the obstacles preventing NGOs from saving lives at sea.
Read More… from Countering COVID-19 not a free pass to court tragedy in the Mediterranean Sea