Al Nasser hospital, Khan Younis: Living conditions and lack of care threatening the lives of pregnant women and newborns

When Hanin first sought care for her malnourished daughter in Khan Younis in southern Gaza, the clock began ticking on her chances of survival. “[My] child was in a critical condition. They referred me to the hospital but there was no means of transportation,” explains Hanin. Finally, they reached the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières […]

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Myanmar: MSF teams face major obstacles providing medical care to communities in Rakhine state

This June 2024, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was forced to indefinitely suspend its medical humanitarian activities in northern Rakhine following the extreme escalation of conflict and burning down of MSF’s office in Buthidaung Township. While in some townships in the central part of Rakhine MSF has been able to maintain a minimum level […]

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Sudan: Healing in exile

After the exodus and ethnic cleansing seen during the war in Darfur almost 20 years ago, the conflict in Sudan’s West Darfur state has led to more violence against Masalit communities in El Geneina, the capital city. Alongside Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams, photographer Corentin Fohlen provides a glimpse into the lives of […]

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South Gaza’s last comprehensive hospital at breaking point with influx of patients and critical supply shortages

As the European Gaza Hospital has shut down due to new evacuation orders, Nasser Hospital, the last comprehensive hospital in south Gaza, risks being overwhelmed with mass casualties and wounded patients, warns Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Meanwhile, MSF teams working in the hospital are seeing acute shortages of medical supplies, leaving patients at […]

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Sudan: MSF suspends delivery of vital care in Khartoum’s Turkish hospital after more than a year of violent incidents at the facility

After over a year of violent incidents both inside and outside the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) supported Turkish Hospital in Khartoum – including threats made against the lives of MSF staff MSF has taken the decision to evacuate its team from the hospital. This decision has not been taken lightly. MSF had managed […]

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No end in sight: The repeated trauma of displacement for people in Gaza

Since the horrifying war on Gaza began, at least 38,000 Palestinians, more than half of them women and children, have been killed and 87,0000 others have been injured. For those who have managed to survive the relentless onslaught of bomb blasts, shelling and gunfire, staying alive has meant moving continually from place to place with […]

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Central African Republic: Awareness-raising and prevention to combat malnutrition in Bossangoa

According to a United Nations report, 41 per cent of the population of the Central African Republic (CAR) is undernourished. Over the period from October 2022 to August 2023, it was estimated that almost 298,000 children aged 0-59 months and over 140,600 pregnant and breastfeeding women suffered from acute malnutrition, according to figures from the […]

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MSF statement on the accusations against MSF staff Fadi Al-Wadiya

On the evening of June 26, 2024, the Israeli authorities shared several new posts on social media about Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) staff member Fadi Al-Wadiya, who was killed by Israeli forces on June 25, accusing him of being involved in military activities in Gaza. MSF is deeply concerned by these allegations and […]

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Chad: Amid humanitarian void, MSF scales-up distribution of essential supplies to Refugees from Sudan

As the rainy season begins in Chad, Doctors Without Borders /Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is significantly scaling up its activities in eastern Chad for refugees who fled the war in Sudan. Our teams have launched a mass distribution of essential life-saving items such as plastic sheeting, mosquito nets, and bars of soap to support hundreds […]

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