Central African Republic: “To be born or to give birth is to take a risk”

Decades of instability and armed violence in Central African Republic (CAR) have contributed to essential medical care being out of reach for many pregnant women and newborn babies. Overshadowed by the security situation in the country, tackling this everyday emergency is a priority for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontiéres (MSF) teams. Divine has been labouring […]

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Cameroon: All MSF staff acquitted in military tribunal

  The international medical humanitarian organisation Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is extremely relieved at the acquittal of five of our staff, who faced trial in Cameroon, accused of complicity with secession. Four of the staff in question had to endure incarceration for many months. On Dec. 26, 2021, an MSF nurse and ambulance driver were […]

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Ethiopia: At the convergence of humanitarian and climate crises

More than 22 million people were estimated to need humanitarian assistance in Ethiopia in 2022.[1]  Many faced the tragic consequences of conflict, particularly communities in the regions of Afar, Amhara, Tigray and Southern Nations (SNNPR). At the same time, natural disasters pushed people’s coping mechanisms to their limits. Communities across the vastness of the Somali […]

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Pakistan: People are unable to return home and major health concerns remain months after the flooding

It has been more than three months since devastating floods caused vast damage across Pakistan and displaced millions, but only in recent weeks have waters started to recede and people been able to return home. Those returning to their villages are finding destroyed houses and land, still surrounded by stagnant water. Meanwhile, those remaining in camps […]

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2022: A review of medical humanitarian work in photos

  In 2022, we saw the effects of climate change and conflict on a scale we haven’t seen before. From natural disasters to the war in Ukraine, we witnessed the population of displaced people and migrants grow at an unprecedented rate. Our teams responded to various epidemics, from cholera to ebola. We cared for people […]

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South Sudan: Catastrophic floods cause mass displacement and an escalating humanitarian crisis

  A small makeshift raft made from plastic sheeting and filled with dry grass is drifting along the Nile River’s current, on it sits an entire family of eight – the youngest just a baby. Where they will end up is hopefully not as bad as what they have left behind. On this small raft […]

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Honduras: Medical-humanitarian assistance to migrants on their way north

  The municipality of Trojes, a town in Honduras, bordering with Nicaragua, has of recent years become a key focal point on the migratory route. Since 2021, according to the Honduran National Migration Institute (INM), more than 100,000 people have passed through Trojes as part of their journey to the north of the American continent. […]

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Afghanistan: MSF hospital in Kandahar provides hope for people with TB

Jawahira was referred to the Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) tuberculosis (TB) hospital in Kandahar earlier this year from a clinic in Daikundi, central Afghanistan. “I used to visit private clinics, but instead of giving me TB medication, they usually just prescribed me painkillers,” she says. The cost of searching out treatment also took […]

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Uganda: Three questions with an MSF epidemiologist about ebola

It has been 12 days since the last confirmed Ebola case, a stillborn baby of a mother who survived the disease, was reported in Uganda. MSF has been responding to the outbreak of the Sudan Ebola virus variant since its declaration on Sept. 20 by building Ebola treatment centres and treatment units, providing support to the […]

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