The Philippines: MSF launches intervention on islands affected by Typhoon Rai

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) emergency teams will start providing medical and humanitarian assistance to communities on the remote islands of Dinagat, Siargao and other outlying areas, some of the worst affected by Typhoon Rai (local name: Odette), which struck the Philippines in December 2021 causing hundreds of casualties.   Following assessments carried out between December […]

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Ethiopia: Still no responsibility established for the killing of MSF colleagues María, Tedros and Yohannes in Tigray


Six months after the murder of our three colleagues Maria, Tedros and Yohannes, the full circumstances of, and responsibility for, their killing remains unclear.




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South Sudan: Hundreds of thousands still living in precarious conditions months after floods

When the floodwater levels started rising in her village, 21-year-old Nyabeel and her husband were torn about what to do. Leaving their land, which they relied on for food, was a tough decision. “We spent three days moving. It was challenging, with four children and a herd of goats,” she says. Eight months on since […]

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Responding to COVID-19 in Myanmar: A letter from the team on the ground

Myanmar’s public healthcare system is in disarray. Days after the military seized power on February 1, 2021, medical staff walked out of their jobs, spearheading the civil disobedience movement that saw government employees of all stripes go on strike. Most have not returned. Those on strike who continue to practice in underground clinics risk being […]

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Chad: Lack of rainfall exacerbates already dire malnutrition situation

30-year-old Khadidja Iba sits on a colorful mat in the waiting area of a therapeutic feeding center that Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) has set up at a health center in Massakory, a small town in Chad’s Sahel belt. The mother of six has walked for two hours to bring her youngest child, 9-month-old […]

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2021: A year of medical humanitarian work in photos

In 2021, the COVID-19 pandemic continued unabated around the world, as did the work our teams undertook to respond to it. But the pandemic took a backseat in many countries, as other crises and needs overtook the concerns of the people we assist. Our teams responded to crises of conflict and displacement. We cared for […]

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