Sierra Leone: Living through epidemics and expanding in challenging times

“When COVID-19 came I was very nervous. I thought it would be another Ebola, which was a death sentence,” says 45-year-old Ira Jonson. Ira was heavily involved in the logistics of the response to the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. During that time, he met a pregnant woman who was sick with Ebola at […]

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Breakthrough in treatment of HIV-related cryptococcal meningitis gives Gilead another opportunity to fulfil its promise to scale up access to lifesaving drug

Access to affordable liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) crucial to ending cryptococcal meningitis deaths by 2030.


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Central African Republic: Repeated attacks on medical care leave people vulnerable to disease and death

Relentless attacks on patients, health staff and medical facilities in Central African Republic (CAR) during a countrywide surge in violence are forcing the suspension of medical activities and seriously constraining people’s access to healthcare, says international medical organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). “The resurgence of the conflict in CAR since December has taken a […]

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It takes a whole village: the need of a multiple approach to assist survivors of sexual violence

In light of the magnitude and the impact of the sexual violence in the country, MSF calls on the Congolese authorities and their partners to act now, in line with the medical, legal and socioeconomic needs that we observe.


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Madagascar: MSF steps up response to nutrition crisis in Grand Sud

People in southern Madagascar are experiencing an exceptionally acute food and nutrition crisis that is leaving thousands of children severely ill and pushing entire families into extreme poverty. Since March 2021, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) emergency teams have been setting up more and more mobile clinics to deliver humanitarian and medical assistance in […]

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