Following the brutal murder of three of its staff in the Ethiopian region of Tigray on June 24, 2021, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls for an immediate investigation into the killings and insists that aid workers are allowed to do their jobs in safety. In response to the killings, MSF announces the suspension […]
Category: News & Stories
Libya: Recurrent violence against refugees and migrants in Tripoli detention centres forces MSF to suspend activities
Following repeated incidents of violence towards refugees and migrants held in two detention centres in the Libyan city of Tripoli, international medical organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) announced today that it feels obliged to temporarily suspend its activities in Mabani and Abu Salim detention centres. “This is not an easy decision to make, […]
Tuberculosis: Governments off track on providing tools to prevent second biggest infectious disease killer
As WHO convenes a ‘call to action’ tomorrow on the need to scale up access to preventive treatment for TB, MSF urged all governments to support and ramp up the implementation of TB preventive treatment.
Ethiopia: Horrified by the brutal murder of three MSF colleagues
Today we are in mourning after receiving confirmation of the death of three of our colleagues who were working in Tigray. Maria Hernandez, our emergency coordinator, Yohannes Halefom Reda, our assistant coordinator and Tedros Gebremariam Gebremichael our driver were travelling yesterday afternoon when we lost contact with them. This morning the vehicle was found empty […]
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Cameroon: thousands of people continue to be denied urgent and life-saving healthcare as MSF’s activities in the North-West region remain suspended by the government
While thousands of people struggle to access vital healthcare in the restive North-West region of Cameroon, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is still denied the resumption of its healthcare care services in the region, six months after the forced suspension of its activities by Cameroonian authorities. MSF calls on the government of Cameroon to […]
Millions of lives at stake if cross-border aid channels close in Syria
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) calls on the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to renew the cross-border resolution (UNSCR 2533) expiring on July 10, 2021 for the provision of humanitarian aid into northwest Syria. More than 4 million people residing in this area, more than half of whom are Internally Displaced People (IDPs), risk […]
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Central African Republic: Thousands left vulnerable in Bambari after makeshift camp is destroyed and burnt to ground
Some 8,500 people have been expelled from their makeshift camp in Bambari, Central African Republic (CAR) after renewed fighting broke out in the region, says international medical organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Several thousand people have sought refuge in the compound of a mosque in Bambari town where they are living in very precarious […]
Greece: New MSF report shows scale of suffering caused by EU hotspot system
In a report released today, Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) once again calls on EU leaders to completely change their approach to migration and to stop intensifying their existing containment and deterrence policies, which are causing avoidable harm to the health and wellbeing of asylum seekers, refugees and other migrants. “For more than five years, […]
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MSF Response: Canada declares donation of 100 million COVID-19 vaccine doses
Canada’s COVID-19 vaccine donation announcement at this weekend’s G7 Summit falls far short of Canada’s, and the world’s, commitment to ensuring equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines, the international medical humanitarian organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) said.
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Haiti: Violence puts health system at risk
MSF warns that medical care cannot be sustained while armed clashes and robberies affect health facilities, vehicles, patients and staff.