WHO will change its guidelines to recommend using partial doses of the yellow fever vaccine during emergencies as a result of new clinical trial data.
WHO will change its guidelines to recommend using partial doses of the yellow fever vaccine during emergencies as a result of new clinical trial data.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to leave their homes in the Tigray region of northern Ethiopia after fighting broke out in early November 2020.
Read More… from Tigray, Ethiopia: MSF provides medical assistance to vulnerable
After numerous offensives in recent weeks across the country, fighting took place on the outskirts of the capital, Bangui, on January 13. MSF teams in Bangui treated 12 people for violence-related injuries.
Read More… from CAR: MSF teams ramp up support as violence escalates
“We are extremely worried refugees are arriving to a camp that lacks essential services and that their basic needs will not be met.”
Read More… from Sudan: ‘New arrivals are exhausted and in a worse health condition’
Hano Yagoub, MSF’s acting emergency coordinator in Gedaref, Sudan, describes the situation in Um Rakuba camp, where 15,000 people are sheltering after fleeing violence in Ethiopia
Read More… from Sudan: ‘Services for refugees need to increase, otherwise it will be a disaster’
MSF condemns a serious and violent obstruction of medical aid, and calls for respect of humanitarian and medical action and the civilian population.
Read More… from Mali: A patient dies after an MSF ambulance is violently detained
This report is the second of the accountability reports MSF is producing on our COVID-19 response. Read also the first report, covering the period March – May 2020.
Read More… from Responding to COVID-19: Global Accountability Report 2 – June to August 2020
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is providing comprehensive medical care to people affected by the recent hurricanes that have battered Honduras. As of November 25, an estimated 89,335 people are in shelters and 399,062 have been evacuated from their homes. Almost a third of the country’s population has been affected by this emergency, most […]
Read More… from MSF in Honduras: Increasing activities to care for people most affect by hurricanes
Since late 2019, Lebanon has been grappling with its worst economic crisis in decades, social unrest and political turmoil. On top of that, and following the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of 2020, a major explosion tore through the capital, Beirut, in August. These overlapping crises have exacerbated people’s vulnerability and pushed […]
Read More… from Lebanon: Overlapping crises increase needs and worsen access to care
An ppdate on the rise in violence in Douentza, central Mali, and MSF’s response.
Read More… from MSF is treating people injured in attacks in central Mali