Syria: The needs of millions haven’t vanished

Since the start of the war in Syria 10 years ago, the lives of Syrian people have been under threat. Back in 2011, the situation quickly shifted from localized protests to a full-scale war, leading to a devastating humanitarian situation that persists a decade later. In the course of 10 years, 12 million Syrians – […]

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International Women’s Day 2021: Self Care

We all want the power to invest in our wellbeing – to be able to take care of our emotional, physical and mental health. But without reliable information and appropriate tools, reasonable options and adequate support, it’s not always possible. Self-care is changing the face of healthcare. It focuses on equipping and entrusting people to […]

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Haiti: In Port-au-Prince, MSF transfers burn patients after violent clashes around its hospital

Violent clashes between gang members took place on February 23 around a Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) burn care hospital in the neighborhood of Drouillard, Port-au -Prince, forcing the staff to transfer the 21 hospital patients to another MSF hospital, located in the city’s Tabarre neighborhood, once calm returned. Gunfire in the immediate vicinity […]

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MSF responds to news of first deliveries of COVID-19 vaccines through the COVAX Facility

This first delivery from the COVAX Facility comes over two months after the first people started receiving COVID-19 vaccines in wealthy countries. As World Health Organization head Dr Tedros Adhanom recently pointed out, only 10 countries have currently administered 75% of all vaccinations worldwide, while 130 countries hadn’t yet received a single dose. The COVAX […]

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Syria: MSF denounces unsafe environment in wake in staff killing in Al-Hol camp

In the wake of the killing of one of its staff members and the injury of three others in Al-Hol camp for displaced people in northeast Syria, international medical organization Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) expresses its shock and sadness at the incidents and its profound concerns about the insecurity facing camp residents, two-thirds of whom […]

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For refugees in Hamdayet, Sudan, “everyone is hungry, and everyone is tired”

Three months have passed since Maryam and her family fled the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia and crossed the border into Hamdayet, Sudan. Three months have passed since she and her family had their last decent meal. While the refugees in Hamdayet have many unmet needs, food concerns are overshadowing every other in this reception centre, Doctors […]

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