A patient with breast cancer receives the prescribed medication from an MSF nurse at Point G University Hospital. The nurse explains the dosage and possible side effects.

Leave a gift in your will 

Consider leaving a gift in a will to support our future humanitarian responses. A legacy gift is a powerful way to ensure medical care continues where the need is greatest, for generations to follow.


Supporter stories

Being ready to act during a crisis takes preparation. That’s why we’re asking you to consider joining us and other supporters in preparing for the future by including MSF in your will.

Many of our supporters are surprised to know they can leave a larger gift through their estate than they could during their lifetime. To measure the impact of your future gift, use our impact calculator below.

Legacy impact calculator

Fill out a future amount you might consider leaving MSF, and then select one of the ways leaving that gift might be possible. Click “MY IMPACT” to see how your legacy could help MSF respond to emergencies in more than 70 countries worldwide.

An MSF staff overlooking the reception area in Hamadyet where more than 10,000 are living as they await transfer to a permanent camp location.

YOUR LEGACY GIFT COULD FUND: (These are examples of what your legacy gift can help accomplish. Rest assured, your gift will be used where it’s needed most and will help MSF be prepared for any crises and be ready to act whenever and wherever the need is greatest.)

How to leave a legacy to MSF

Leaving a gift in your will to Doctors Without Borders is simple. It can be included in your will by naming Doctors Without Borders as a beneficiary. Your gift can be residual, a percentage of the remainder of your estate after all your other provisions have been made, or specific, a fixed amount or percentage of cash, securities, or property. 

When preparing your will, please note that our legal name is: Doctors Without Borders Canada/Médecins Sans Frontières Canada 551 Adelaide Street West Toronto, ON M5V 0N8 Charitable Registration No: 13527 5857 RR0001

Benefits of a charitable bequest

Leaving a gift in your will can provide tax benefits that will be passed on to your heirs. When you donate to Doctors Without Borders through your will, the gift can be claimed against 100% of net income on the final two lifetime tax returns. In some instances, making a charitable donation can offset taxes, ensuring that gifts to family and friends are worth more.

Adding MSF to an existing will

If you already have a will, it is easy to include MSF by adding a codicil. A codicil is an additional legal document that lets you amend your will without needing to re-write it. Please ask your lawyer for more information on using a codicil to include MSF in your estate planning.

Write your will today

MSF has partnered with Willfora, a free, digital will-writing resource, which can help you to easily create and update your will. Willfora allows you to create a legal will online in 20-minutes or less, at no cost to you.  Start here. 

Contact us: we are here to help

Making decisions about your estate can be emotional or sometimes confusing – but we want you to know that MSF is here to help. Whether you are a supporter looking to make a gift in your will, an executor, a legal or financial advisor, or simply want to learn more about MSF’s work, we would be delighted to help answer any questions you might have. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly or submit your questions using the link to the form below.  

When you submit the form, your information will be sent to Yasmin Drakes, Donor Engagement Officer. 

* What’s the best way to get in touch?
(Maximum response 255 chars, approx. 5 rows of text)
Contact Preferences

When you submit the form, your information will be sent to Yasmin Drakes, Donor Engagement Officer.
* Denotes mandatory field


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The Legacy Giving information on this website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional advice and assistance from your lawyer, financial advisor, or tax consultant. We recommend that you discuss your plans with your lawyer and/or financial advisor before proceeding with a legacy gift .

Why support MSF

Thousands of Canadians generously support MSF, sharing our values and our commitment to assist people facing crises around the world. We are also committed to working as efficiently as possible and maintaining transparency about how we spend the money you donate for medical humanitarian care.