Dr Yulianto Santoso Kurniawan (at front) was facilitating the MSF COVID-19 training for the adolescents of Kalibata Sub-district, Kalibata Village in South Jakarta. © MSF/Sania Elizabeth


From basic healthcare to helping set up health posts, nurses are vital to our work. In many situations, nurses are the backbone of our medical operations.

You have an intermediate level of French? Join us on February 27 at 12 PM (ET) to learn more about international job opportunities for nursing staff. Event in French only.


As a nurse working with Doctors Without Borders/Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) you will coordinate and plan clinical work, primarily involving basic healthcare activities. You may also be involved in vaccination campaigns, feeding centers, outbreak management or outreach activities. Possible settings are rural health centers, mobile clinics, existing local healthcare structures, refugee camps and urban settings. Your main role will be to supervise, monitor, train and coach the team of locally hired nurses in your project. Data collection, analysis and reporting are an intrinsic part of your role. Furthermore, you will be responsible for forecasting medical supply needs and monitoring consumption.


  • Full and current registration as a registered nurse or nurse practitioner
  • Minimum three years relevant post-qualification work experience in one or more of the following: emergency rooms, pediatrics, neonatology, infectious diseases, nutrition, obstetrics, operating room, HIV/AIDS, public health and intensive care
  • At least six months of clinical experience within the last two years
  • Experience in managing staff in a multicultural team (supervision and training)
  • Fluency in English and French (Intermediate+, minimum level B2 in both). Refer to this evaluation grid . Other languages such as Spanish, Arabic, and Portuguese are valued, but not required.
  • Relevant travel or work experience in contexts similar to where MSF works (armed conflicts, disasters, public health emergencies or situations of healthcare exclusion)
  • Available to work six to 9 months


  • Tropical nursing
  • Proficiency with Microsoft Office software (especially Excel)

MSF Core Competencies

  • Behaviour flexibility: Level 2
    • Adapts behaviour to the needs of the situation
  • Teamwork and cooperation: Level 2
    • Shares information and coordinates with team and others
  • Result and quality orientation: Level 2
    • Works towards objectives, preserving established standards
  • Commitment to MSF principles: Level 1
    • Demonstrates knowledge of and accepts MSF’s principles
  • People management: Level 2
    • Gives feedback and sets limits
  • Cross-cultural awareness: Level 3
    • Demonstrates an integrating attitude
  • Stress management: Level 2
    • Manages own stress
  • Understanding of equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI): Level 1
    • Familiarity with EDI concepts and their application in a humanitarian context

Familiarity with EDI concepts and their application in a humanitarian context

To find out more about MSF core competencies, please look here.

You can find a comprehensive view of MSF career paths here.

Before you apply

As you consider applying to undertake an MSF assignment, it is essential that you have a well-informed and realistic personal reflection. Assignments often mean long hours with a heavy workload, basic living conditions, and working and living in often chaotic and volatile environments.

Security and Safety

Because Doctors Without Borders’ purpose is to bring medical assistance to people in distress, the work may occur in settings of active conflict, or in post-conflict environments, in which there are inherent risks, potential danger and ongoing threats to safety and security. MSF acknowledges that it is impossible to exclude all risks, but it does its utmost as an organization to mitigate and manage these risks through strict and comprehensive security protocols.

Please watch this video for information on how MSF manages security.

International staff will be fully informed of the risk associated with a potential assignment before accepting a particular posting. Working for MSF is a deeply personal choice; individuals must determine for themselves the level of risk and the circumstances in which they feel comfortable, based on a full and transparent understanding of the possibilities they may face. Once in the assignment, all MSF staff must strictly observe security rules and regulations; failure to do so may result in dismissal.

Terms of Employment

MSF staff are employees with a salary and benefits. See more information on the terms of employment.

MSF encourages the completion of multiple assignments. There are many possibilities for professional growth within the organization, into the medical, non-medical and coordination streams. For more information on learning and development as well as career opportunities with MSF, see our FAQ.

Final Thoughts

As you consider applying to undertake an MSF assignment, is it essential that you have a well-informed and realistic personal reflection. Assignments often mean long hours with a heavy workload, basic living conditions, and working and living in often chaotic and volatile environments.

Despite such challenges, thousands of people have worked with MSF over the years and found their experiences in the field to be deeply rewarding, even life-changing. More than anything else, being an MSF international worker means acting in solidarity with people facing unimaginable medical challenges. Your presence alongside people in times of need sends a profoundly meaningful and human message: “You are not forgotten.

Please note that occasional technical problems occur with certain browsers (Chrome, Safari, etc.). If you do not receive an email acknowledging receipt of your application, please re-apply with a different browser. If the problem persists, please contact applications@msf.ca mentioning the date and role you applied for. 

Answer all our requirement questions below:

* Required

Please upload your CV in PDF format and reply to the questions below instead of submitting a cover letter.


* Required field
MSF Canada is only able to hire professionals who have legal authorization to work in Canada. Applicants must be Canadian citizens or have Canadian permanent residency. MSF Canada is not able to provide support with the work permit process for this position. Can you confirm that you are legally authorized to work in Canada?

International candidates are encouraged to apply through other MSF offices https://www.msf.org/work-msf , who each handle contracting for their respective countries.

Please use the link to read about compensation, pay and benefits: https://www.doctorswithoutborders.ca/working-overseas-faq/ ... ... Can you confirm that you have read, understood and that you agree with the salary and benefits that MSF Canada offers?
Have you ever been in a management role?
Have you ever taught/trained others?
Due to the nature of MSF work, we expect International Mobile Staff to be flexible to project needs and therefore be available for a minimum of 6 months. MSF assignments for this role require 6-, 9- or 12-months commitment, does this align with your availability?
Do you hold a practice license and registration certificate from a respective regulatory or licensing body that regulates or certifies your profession?
Do you have any relevant experience in the following fields? Please select all that apply.
Do you have any relevant global health experience?
I confirm that I have read, understood and agree to the MSF Canada recruitment policies and procedures stated on this website, and I understand that all personal details will be stored confidentially for a maximum of two years by MSF Canada in compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act. I understand that MSF Canada will use my personal details for recruitment purposes only and will not share this data with anyone else outside MSF. I confirm that all of the above information is truthful and complete as of this date.

Demographic Questions (Optional) / Questionnaire démographique (participation volontaire)

MSF Canada is a people-focused humanitarian organization that is proud to offer a diverse, collaborative, and inclusive work environment. We strongly believe this approach enhances our work and we’re committed to equity in employment. The organization seeks to attract and engage the best professionals to join and maintain meaningful, productive and lasting work relationships. We embrace diverse motivations and backgrounds of people working together to exhibit their passion in action for the social mission of MSF. / Organisation humanitaire se préoccupant des êtres humains, MSF Canada est fière d’offrir un milieu de travail diversifié, collaboratif et inclusif. Nous croyons fermement que cette approche valorise notre travail. Nous souscrivons aussi au principe de l’équité en matière d’emploi. L’organisation cherche à attirer et à embaucher les professionnels les plus compétents et à entretenir avec eux des relations de travail fructueuses, productives et durables. Nous favorisons les motivations et expériences différentes des personnes qui, en collaborant, expriment leur passion dans l’action en faveur de la mission sociale de MSF.  

MSF Canada acknowledges the existence of systemic racism and oppression and is committed to sustaining and strengthening its anti-racism and anti-oppression (AOAR) efforts. / MSF Canada reconnaît l'existence de l'oppression et du racisme systémiques, et s'engage à maintenir et à intensifier ses efforts de lutte contre le racisme et l'oppression.

As MSF Canada continues to grow and strive to remove barriers in its offices in Canada and in MSF work environments abroad, we welcome applications from individuals with unique experiences of intersectional oppression on the basis of their social markers such as their ethno-racial identity, age, gender identity, education, socio-economic status or place of origin. / Alors que MSF Canada continue de grandir et de travailler à l'élimination des barrières dans ses bureaux ici au pays et les projets MSF à l'étranger, nous encourageons les individus ayant des expériences uniques d'oppression intersectionnelle sur la base de leurs marqueurs sociaux, tels que l'identité ethnoraciale, l'âge, l'identité de genre, l'éducation, le statut socio-économique ou le lieu d

 Responses to the below questions are completely voluntary and are not associated with your individual application and has no impact, in any way, in the hiring decision. The data collected will be used in aggregate only to help us identify areas of improvement in our recruitment process.  / Les réponses aux questions ci-dessous sont entièrement volontaires, ne sont pas associées à votre candidature individuelle et n'ont aucune incidence, de quelque manière que ce soit, sur la décision d'embauche. Les données collectées seront seulement utilisées sous une forme agrégée afin nous aider à identifier les domaines d'amélioration à l'intérieur de notre processus de recrutement.

Which of the following best describe your ethno-racial heritage? Quelle(s) est/sont votre/vos origine(s) ethnique(s) ou culturelle(s)? (select all that apply / Cochez toutes les réponses qui s'appliquent)
What gender do you identity as/ Quel est votre sexe ou genre sexuel actuel ? : (select all that apply / Cochez toutes les réponses qui s'appliquent)